When your needs have been neglected for so long, it makes sense if you don't even know what they are anymore.
Does this sound familiar?
You finally get a moment to yourself, but have no idea how to spend it because you don't know what you even need
You feel invisible in your relationship but you don't know what you need to feel better
You worry about being a burden to others if you ask for what you need
You have resentment in your relationship after being back-burnered for way too long
You get overwhelmed with guilt when you consider even asking for what you need
Part of the problem is that...
You may have received messaging about your needs that may have told you to make your needs small or that you're too much.
It just makes sense that you've absorbed this messaging and you've adapted.
That's the normal response, you make changes in your behavior and stuff your needs which doesn't make them go away, they just get bigger.
Or they get stuffed for so long that you become really out of touch with your needs.
You know something doesn't feel good. Or that you don't feel like yourself or as loved as you want in your relationship, but you just don't know what you need to feel better.
This is why I created From Confused to Clear: The Ultimate Guide to Knowing What You Need.
Because you cannot climb your way out of burnout unless you know what you need.
And you cannot feel cared for and loved in your relationships if you can't get over your hangups around asking for what you need.
In this guide you will...
Gain an understanding of what healthy needs are and what they are NOT
Learn how the messaging you received about needs gets in the way of your ability to get them met
Be guided through a step by step process to help you get in touch with your needs
Get in touch with exactly what you need in different areas of your life to finally feel connected to you
A clear outline of your most important needs in different domains of your life